Others match skills. We match DNA.

Infusing dynamic leadership into early and growth-stage medtech companies

Others match skill. We match DNA.

Infusing dynamic leadership into early and growth-stage medtech companies

Allen Partners is a boutique executive search firm serving the medtech industry. We invigorate companies through the placement of smart, committed and talented leaders, from C level executives to VPs and Directors, across numerous functional areas.

Focused expertise since 2003

And a high-value network across the medtech sector

As experts in medtech, we know the people and market intimately, along with the milestones and challenges that face start-up and growth-stage companies. We work across therapeutic and cross functional areas, recruiting the best minds and leaders in the industry.

Recruiting leaders through a filtered lens

Our team dives in with purpose and intention to recruit dynamic leaders—perceptively evaluating leadership strength and talent to match the skills and track record you need. We’re committed to recruiting leaders who share a common vision and who fit with your team’s values, dynamics and nuances.

Allen Partners serves as a consultative, trusted ally,

so you can build your team with clarity, confidence, and the best odds of success.

We execute a disciplined, rigorous search with your needs, requirements and interests as our target.

Leverage a rich, cultivated, talent pool and high-value network, consistently discovering new talent.

Dive deep with top candidates, perceptively matching the right leaders to you.
Apply a proven process, designed to keep you informed and drive toward results.

“What differentiates Julie and Rich is their commitment to understanding who we are as a company and team and what is important to us. They spend a lot of time with the candidates ahead of time, so when they present the top 2-3, I know we’ll have the right one. This has been my experience working with them across four successful companies.”

J. Robert Paulson, Jr
President & CEO, Sonex Health

Executive Search Partners For Medtech Companies

Let’s build a dynamic team together.