Career Coaching


Ignite your passion about your work, tap into your core competencies, and discover the next step in your career journey.

Career Coaching


Ignite your passion about your work, tap into your core competencies, and discover the next step in your career journey.

Greetings, I’m Julie Allen.

Are you at a crossroads, wondering what’s next in your career? You may have reached a point where you look beyond your current success and ask, “What more could there be?” Perhaps you’re exploring a change in your organization, industry, or even a new career. You might sense a potential within you that’s yet to be fully realized.

As a smart, confident, experienced leader, you’re not just looking for a job – you want a great opportunity. You’re ready to do more and hope the next phase in your career can be as fulfilling as the first.

Imagine deeper self-discovery and strategic redirection.  You may be choosing to explore what is next and eager to find greater fulfillment, where you can make a significant impact and work with people you admire and respect. 

But you may not know where to start, how to take stock of all that you’ve done and achieved, or how to prioritize what matters.

You may want genuine, candid feedback, and a thought partner who has the skill and ability to offer excellent perspective, advice, and insights that bring clarity and help you discover and discern what’s right for you.  

Imagine having a trusted sounding board outside of your usual circles, someone who helps you break free from the echo chamber of everyday work life and helps you rediscover your background in new ways, bringing out the best of who you are to maximize the fullness of your capabilities.  

This is where I come in.  My coaching isn’t just about career advancement; it’s about enriching your life’s work and finding greater fulfillment. 

I listen, dive in, and help you find it.

Are you ready for a new challenge? 

Let’s discuss where you want to go and what’s most important to you. Is it a career transition that aligns more closely with who you are and what you truly want?

I’ve spent the last 25 years working with executives, board members, and investors, aligning both companies and candidates with executive opportunities. My listening and insights, drawn from this experience, can help you broaden your understanding of your own achievements and potential.

You helped me think through how to communicate my value with knowledge and confidence. Your calm and confident leadership style helped me on my journey toward success. You took time to understand my experience, beyond a superficial view, and that helped me better represent myself on my resume and in person. You gave me confidence that I would find a great role with the right team and that successfully happened.

Andrina Hougham, VP Clinical Affairs, Regulatory & Reimbursement, Neuspera Medical

You gave me a wide perspective as the world was starting to seem so small through my lens. You gave a critical assessment of my capabilities & helped me connect the dots in ways I otherwise would not have been able to do. You expanded how I perceived my value, helped me master my next steps, and opened my eyes to new possibilities.

Jim Surek, CCO, EQMD

You saw things objectively and spoke plainly and directly to me. It’s easy to get linear about your path, but when you want to do something different, and swim with a new pod of fish, you can’t apply the same approach. You were imperative to my success.

Mike Carter, VP Global Sales, Nevro

You organized my thought process around what I’ve done & how I’ve done it. You improved my delivery and told me things I needed to know. My outlook changed & now I lead with greater courage and conviction.

Jaeson Bang, Founder & CEO, Future Cardia

As a collegiate hurdler, my coach saw things I could not see & guided me where I needed guidance. He took me from the middle to being a National Qualifier within six weeks. With focused attention around the things I could not see, you are my professional “hurdle” coach & a major part of my career advancement.

Erick Johnson, Head of Global Marketing, Scanlan International

Insight & Advice For Accomplished Leaders

In a world that constantly pushes for efficiency, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly resonates with the human heart. As a leader, you may find yourself longing for opportunities that genuinely recognize and utilize your talents and contributions. Yet, identifying these opportunities and discerning what might be right for you can be challenging on your own.

    Let’s discover where your leadership can shine and where you can make a significant impact:


    Candid Feedback: Identify and affirm your greatest skills and attributes.

    Goal Definition: Bring clarity to your goals & discover what you didn’t think was possible.

    Trusted Partner: Gain a confidant thought partner with two decades of “real world” experience.

    You helped me take stock of my background and package all that I’ve accomplished throughout my career. I learned how to communicate my narrative so I could convey my value more effectively & stay focused on all the right points.

    Ray Chadwick, Franchise Vice President, Merit Medical Systems

    I went from a highly tactical to a strategic approach, hitting the salient points with clarity. You helped me elevate my thinking beyond what I could see and that made a huge difference in how I communicated my value.

    Andy Swanson, Chief of Strategy & Business Development, ForTec Medical

    The reason why I jumped right into this work with you was because of our first conversation; you heard me. You focused on understanding me uniquely, not just helping me get an executive job. You listened and said that this work would be about me and discovering what was right for me. That really resonated, especially at this juncture in my career.

    Rebecca Porter, former Vice President, Northwestern Mutual

    My eyes were opened to the possibilities of where I could take my skills and experience. The breadth of my background was enhanced by how you drew me out, connecting so many things and showing me my value, through your lens. You’ve been a key piece in completing the mosaic of my background & potential.

    Jeff Powell, President of US Sales & Operations

    I needed a better plan & approach to my search efforts. The best defense is a good offense, and this is exactly what you gave me. Up until now, I always had someone strongly advocating for me. Now, I’m entering a new process & don’t want to make mistakes that I otherwise wouldn’t make. You took control of my efforts & gave me structure, not knowing where I should start.

    Nestor Jaramillo, President & CEO, NuWellis

    Get Perspective, Clarity & Confidence

    This individual coaching is for you if …


    You are an accomplished leader contemplating what’s next in your career journey.


    You want to communicate your full self & capabilities, discover what you’re best suited for, identify growth opportunities, and pinpoint where your greatest potential lies.


    You seek candid feedback to improve your resume, clarify your most valuable accomplishments, and communicate them in a benefit-oriented way that resonates with others.

    Advance Your Career Journey

    As you navigate the crossroads, we will explore the fundamental questions of “who am I,” “what do I want,” and “where am I going.” By working with your whole self, you will elevate what’s truly important in your life and career and find what is fulfilling and impactful.

    Discover a Clear Path: Help you recognize, discern and articulate what is right for you.

    Identify Key Strengths: Discover and articulate your key strengths and skills, organizing your experiences to showcase their relevance and impact.

    Receive Personalized Advice: Benefit from candid, straightforward advice that shows you how to communicate your value in a way that resonates with others.

    Enhance Confidence: Boost your leadership abilities and confidence, preparing you to present yourself effectively.

    Gain Insights: Draw from my experience in executive placement, blending business acumen and emotional intelligence to identify blind spots and untapped potential.

    Find Renewed Purpose: Achieve increased fulfillment and bring meaning and joy to your life.

    You helped me crystallize the aspects that would be most fulfilling and in alignment with my career vision. You refined my written and oral communications to better communicate the benefits I could bring to potential employers. You helped me develop a new search strategy rather than relying on my own methods. You stayed with me all the way through the hiring process to provide support, insight on the mindsets of those involved, and specific recommendations on the communications. I was not only able to land a role that best aligned with my interests and goals, but believe I have a more productive approach going forward.

    Tom Patzelt, Founder & President, Patzelt Marketing

    You took time to understand me as a complete person, and placed the job search within larger, more important goals for me as an individual. I was able to focus on opportunities that would fulfill my goals on multiple levels. To my surprise, during my interview with the president, he introduced a different opportunity that was broader in scope & responsibility. It was my preparation that made all the difference. You knew the rapport with the president would be an important deciding factor and you guided me through those communications. This opportunity has been an ideal fit & this was a refreshing process. Your counsel, advice and guidance provided the boost I needed.

    Kyle Wills, Executive Director, PCI Pharma Services

    Julie is a true expert in how people best fit into medtech companies.  Her experience in the industry helped me to update and tailor my value proposition very specifically to the type of organization I was interested in joining. She gave great advice on the process of connecting with individuals who mattered in my search.  Her advice was direct and useful, delivered in a supportive tone that I always appreciated.

    Todd Smalley, CCO, Omniscient Neurotechnology

    I found working with Julie to be a powerful and effective way to dig a little deeper into myself and help bring clarity to the value that I bring to work.  Through her coaching process, she helped me to quickly target my most valuable experiences and knowledge based on my authentic values across many years.  The process gave me even more confidence heading into a job search and an ability to articulate my value with grace and simplicity.

    Julie’s experience as an executive recruiter also allows her an ability to offer unique insight both in positioning your experience as well as what to expect is going on ‘behind the scenes’ as you head into any interviewing process.

    If looking for someone to guide you through a process to articulate your purpose, authenticity and increase your own confidence in the value you bring to the table, I would highly recommend working with Julie.

    Erin Rapallini, Vice President, Strategic Marketing, LivaNova

    Begin a Process of Self-Discovery

    Identify facets of your background and interests you may not have considered.

    Articulate the kinds of opportunities where you can shine, based on your skills, capabilities, and aspirations.


    Give structure and purpose to your efforts by clarifying what you want to achieve.


    Receive expert guidance on how to communicate your experience, characterize your accomplishments, and convey who you are and what you offer.

    Discuss barriers to your goals and ambitions, areas to enhance or minimize, and necessary growth opportunities to make your long-term goals a reality.

    Are you ready to take the next step in your career journey? Let’s discover the possibilities together.

    Private coaching

    Dive deeper to discover, recognize and articulate your full potential, expand your horizons, and discern the most promising path and opportunity for you.


    Give clarity to your goals, dreams and asprirations.


    Surround yourself with people you admire and respect, and make the impact you want to make.


    Communicate your value in a way that resonates with the people you want to meet.